Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Teaching Sailing Diagrams Any Suggestions On How I Can Support Myself While Sailing Internationally?

Any suggestions on how I can support myself while sailing internationally? - teaching sailing diagrams

I am ready to rope and ride into the sunset to solve! From Canada to the Caribbean and the Mediterranean Sea! How can I live? My boat is quite independent, you only need about $ 1,000 per month living expenses. I (an interview with a boat / Fund Troubleshooting had) I rented my house, but only pay the mortgage and maintenance. Apart from that I am debt free! She could not stay for a few years, but I my dog with me. If you wait too long, perhaps too old to stay to win. BTW, I say, there is no work to teach English as a second language, which I refuse to go to the Charter. Please ... No internet scams and pyramid marketing surveys! I was desperate enough to research at all! . But I am open about legitimate online business. Unfortunately, it is time to let the network 3 to 4 I knocked my head against a wall for 3 years looking for answers! SOMEONE HELP ME PLZ!


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